Mathilda Bryngelsson

Swedish mezzo-soprano who has performed at venues including Malmö Opera, Bergen National Opera, Copenhagen Opera Festival and Kammeroper Schloss Rheinsberg, among others. Her previous roles include Cherubino in The Marriage of Figaro, Mercédès in Carmen, Dido in Dido & Aeneas, Mutter in Hansel and Gretel, Fekluša in Káťa Kabanová, La Frugola in Il Tabarro, La Suora Zelatrice in Sister Angelica and La Ciesca in Gianni Schicchi. Next season she will return to Malmö Opera, where she will be seen as Herodia’s page in Salome. Mathilda received third prize in this year’s Stenhammar competition and is a four-time recipient of the Royal Swedish Academy of Music’s National Scholarships.

More about Mathilda Bryngelsson